La sonrisa de la Virgen 1959

Drama Family

Marita, a charming little girl, lives in the country with his grandmother. Her best friend is a modest servant, Anselmo, who almost everyday takes the girl to visit the church known as "Guadalupe's Basilica", an important temple i...

All Titles
  • MX: La sonrisa de la Virgen La sonrisa de la Virgen
  • BR: O Sorriso da Virgem O Sorriso da Virgem
  • IT: Il sorriso della Vergine Il sorriso della Vergine
  • MX: La sonrisa de la Virgen La sonrisa de la Virgen
  • US: Little Angel Little Angel
  • MX: The Smile of the Virgin The Smile of the Virgin
Released 31 Oct 1959
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